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Greta Thunberg & Covid: Why shouldn’t she speak out about the Pandemic?

So maybe you’ve been hiding behind a rock for the past two years, but we have a new girl on the Climate scene. She’s called Greta Thunberg, a 17 yr old from Sweden and she’s caused quite a stir. From appearing at Extinction Rebellion protests around the world and giving authoritative figures in global governments a shouting at, Greta has become the poster figure of environmentalism. Of course, this has come with its fair share of controversy, it was always going to. Smear campaigns from the right-wing media, celebrities jumping onto twitter to belittle her as only a little girl that they’re worried for; using her aspergers syndrome as ammunition to deal patronising blows.
Well on the surface she’s dealt with it all incredibly well and whether you support her or not, she’s had a greater impact on shaking up the conversation around climate change than anyone has had since maybe Al Gore. She’s inspired action around the world and shown up many powerful men in suits. Pretty impressive for a 17 year old girl right?
Leaving the patronising comments out of this; it doesn’t matter her age, or gender, or pre-existing conditions. Those elements are made completely irrelevant when she’s better prepared and more logical than many experienced “leaders”. She displays empathy and knows where and how to use…