Member-only story
Is ‘Biodegradable’ a Myth?

It was too easy. We were fed this solution to saving the planet and we all ate it up. I’m a Sustainability Consultant and I did too. A material that was able to biodegrade and become one with the world again. A complete closed-loop. Wrong. It really was too good to be true and it serves as a reminder that even when a concept seems entirely logical, it’s always worth going deeper.
The plastics that have monopolised our world, are synthesized because of their versatility and strength, and because they are highly resistant to natural weathering and degradation by micro-organisms. This is also true for many of the bio-based polymers in the market as well. The word ‘Polymers’ describes the long chains that have been synthesised, leading to such durability adored by most industries. With these materials being so thoughtfully designed to withstand the elements, it means that the majority of plastics on the market just simply aren’t biodegradable. It’s not as straightforward as a straight substitution for more sustainable materials; those materials must meet every criteria of the previous material, plus more, to convince companies on the change.
So what if a product, or packaging is labelled as being ‘biodegradable’? Firstly, past that label, there is never any actual guidance as to how the materials biodegrade. We’re left to assume that once in the bin, given a few weeks…